Friday, August 26, 2011

"There Ain't Nothing Like a Dame,VI"...and How!

                           "REFLECTIONS II", PASTELS BY KAREN HOWARD
                           IMAGES ARE COPYRIGHT PROTECTED

Hello All,

Well..."They're Back"!  Yeah, you guessed it!  Those incredible Dames who do it All... and, How!  Wow!  Did somebody say, "WOW"?  (Whoo...Whoo)!

                                   "SOPHIA WITH A BALL", WATERCOLOR BY DANA LEVINE
                                    IMAGES ARE COPYRIGHT PROTECTED

There are six of the incredible "Dames" this year as Shandell Gamer recently moved to Oregon, and will not be participating in the show.  Although the Dames "miss her much", they still carry on with this year's fantastic exhibition, "There Ain't Nothing Like a Dame, VI".  The show runs from August 24 - September 5, 2011 in Gallery 21 at Spanish Village Art Center, located in beautiful Balboa Park at 1770 Village Place, San Diego, California.  The Dames will be there to greet guests from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. daily.  The Opening Reception is on Saturday, August 27, 2011 from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

                                          "SUN BLESSED", EN CAUSTIC BY WILMA LOPEZ
                                          IMAGES ARE COPYRIGHT PROTECTED

This group of artists has been displaying together for 6 years, and you can rest assured that they will be going strong for many years to come.  Speaking of strong, the six "Dames" boast of their individual strengths (in the Arts) with a logo image of a bandanna'ed beauty flexing her (well-muscled) right arm, while wielding a paintbrush and sporting the motto of "Yes, We Can"!  Don't Mess with these Dames.  They are "On the Job"...and then some.

                        "TANGO 4 2", FUSED GLASS BY MARCY STINTON
                        IMAGES ARE COPYRIGHT PROTECTED

The six Dames are as follows:

Karen Howard, Pastels, Dana Levine, Photography and Pastel, Wilma J. Lopez, En Caustic
Eileen Mandell, Photography, Caroline Morse, Oil, Acrylic, Photography and Marcy Stinton, Fused Glass

That's what is known as a "Line Up and a Half", folks.  So, do get yourselves and your "Best Gal" (pal) in to see these six magnificent Dames, and "There Ain't Nothing Like a Dame, VI".  I promise, you won't be disappointed!  They really are "Something Else"!


Don't just take my word for it.  Drop into Gallery 21 in Spanish Village Art Center, and see for yourselves.  The Magnificent Six (Dames) will be waiting for you!  Sharing their art is something they love.  Who knows, maybe some of that "Dame-ness" will rub off on you.

                                   "BATIQUITOS LAGOON", OILS BY CAROLINE MORSE
                                   IMAGES ARE COPYRIGHT PROTECTED

For further information on all of the artists (Dames) in this exhibition, please go to my blog, "There's Nothing Like a Dame, V", written on 9/22/10 for their bios.  Impressive?  You bet!  Haven't you heard?  There Ain't Nothing Like a Dame!

Written and posted by Cassandra Shepard, Studio 32
text and content copyrighted, 2011, all rights reserved